The Nasty Habit of Poaching Wildlife in Africa
Every day, thousands of rangers patrol national parks and other protected areas in Africa. Their…
Global land ecosystems are becoming less efficient at absorbing carbon dioxide
An update by NASA on global warming trend. Plants play a key role in mitigating climate change. The…
Is the African continent more vulnerable to climate change than other regions?
Photo credit:AFP Richard Washington* The African continent will be hardest hit by climate…
Climate change is killing coffee production; East African coffee farmers know this too well
*Photo credit: Emily Garthwaite Elizabeth Sharpiro-Garza (Duke University) Michael Hoffman (Cornell…
Poverty and climate change: Natural disasters, agricultural impacts and health shocks
Stephane Hallegatte, Mook Bangalore, Laura Bonzanigo, Marianne Fay, Tamaro Kane, Ulf Narloch, Julie…
Climate Change Impacts on East Africa
Muawya Ahmed Hussein. Africa contains about one-fifth of all known species of plants, mammals, and…
The impact of climate change on agriculture
John Quiggin - Australian Research Council Federation Fellow, School of Economics and School of…